NeuroNex Technology Hub
The Bioluminescence Hub is supported by the National Science Foundation, NeuroNex 1707352, and is a collaboration between the Moore and Lipscombe Labs at Brown University, the Hochgeschwender Lab at Central Michigan University, and the Shaner Lab at the University of California, San Diego.
This cooperative agreement aims to invent and disseminate new molecular tools that use BioLuminescence and OptoGenetics (BL-OG) to answer novel biomedical questions. Further, we are committed to educating the public and students of all ages.
To learn more, try BL-OG in your own research, request an emissary or inquire about workshops, download an educational activity or apply for our Undergraduate Practicum, explore our website or send us an email.
Open Ephys
Created by Moore Lab alumni Drs. Jacob Voigts and Josh Siegle, Open Ephys is a set of open-source tools for electrophysiology research. Read the paper in the Journal of Neural Engineering and check out the website.
Human Neocortical Neurosolver
Led by Dr. Stephanie Jones’ group at Brown, Human Neocortical Neurosolver (HNN) is open-source software is available to researchers to explore their EEG/MEG data and make hypotheses about human brain circuits in healthy and diseased states. Read the paper in eLife and check out the HNN website.
Github Repositories
Research Associate Dr. Chris Deister maintains a Github account with a variety of repositories including code and instructions for electrophysiology data acquisition, image analysis, and 3D printing.